- Brian Schottenheimer was introduced Monday as the 10th head coach in Dallas Cowboys history.
His selection was far from popular but it’s fair to say he scored points during his first press conference. Schottenheimer was poised, confident, and unafraid to show emotion during the session.
While he stood out as a positive presence, Jerry and Stephen Jones did the opposite.
Jerry made sure to praise himself for the hire while also reminding us how competent he believes himself to be. As for the younger Jones, Stephen continued to infuriate the fan base without much effort.

Known for his love of cap space, Jones has often drawn the ire of fans for refusing to truly go “all-in” when building a roster. Now, he got under their skin by using air quotes when describing the team’s 30-years drought without an appearance in the NFC Championship Game.
Jones explained away the team’s failure by pointing out the success they’ve had in the regular season.
Dallas has typically done a good job in the regular season, but that’s not a reason to be praised. Instead, it shows why the fan base is so frustrated.
They can field talented enough rosters to contend with anyone but choke when the lights get bright.
That’s a frustrating feeling for fans, made worse by Jones shrugging it off with the air quotes. Doing so makes it seem as though he believes the drought is a myth — which fans sadly know isn’t true.
The drought is very real and one of the few people who can help end it, seems to think it’s silly.