Desperate for attention, Cowboys fan goes too far with Super Bowl bet

Desperate for attention, Cowboys fan goes too far with Super Bowl bet

It takes all types to make the world go ’round but some of those “types” shouldn’t be in the public eye. That’s true of one Dallas Cowboys fan who has taken his claim that his favorite team will win it all too far.

Jordan Garnett, who claims to be the Best Comedian Alive in his Twitter bio, received 15 minutes of fame when he got a “Cowboys Super Bowl LI” tattoo several years ago.

Of course, that was the Super Bowl the New England Patriots won, in a comeback victory over the Atlanta Falcons.

At this point, it’s clear he doesn’t need to be spending time on social media. There was no reason to make such a claim and the worst part is that it’s not even original.

Back in 2018, Aaron Goldhammer said he would do something similar if the Cleveland Browns selected Baker Mayfield No. 1 in the NFL Draft. That’s how the draft unfolded and the radio host ended up chowing down on some horse dung. Which was also disgusting and uncalled for.

Dallas fans will surely root for their team to win it all but even if they don’t, we should all root for this “fad” to come to an end yesterday.

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